Use "impact|impacted|impacting|impacts" in a sentence

1. The above permits a shock-absorption for the impacting element in case of impact.

2. The "religious and political obscurantism" in "Neo-Obscurantism" has impacted and is impacting negatively the constitution and the constitutional separation of politics and religion.

3. Among the impacts of deep sea mining, sediment plumes could have the greatest impact.

4. Bilboes Holdings (Pty) Ltd SLR Project No: 710.04026.00035 Environmental And Social Impact Assessment - Soil Impact Assessment March 2019 710.04026.00024_R01_Bilboes_Soil Assessment ESIA_Rev0e_20190417.docm iv Impacts of the intended project on the soil resource Significant impacts are listed in Table 1-3 below.

5. The impact assessment, which accompanies this Road Map, provides a detailed account of the various impacts of the measures set out above and compares the impacts of various alternative policy options.

6. (9)The testing of alternative seabed-impacting fishing gear should only be allowed subject to a specific authorisation issued in relation to scientific projects which ensure scientific testing of environmental impacts.

7. The wide range of proxies is considered here to represent evidence for a cosmic impact that caused Airbursts/impacts (the YDB event may have produced ground impacts and atmospheric Airbursts) across several continents

8. Each round hole is the place where a meteorite impacted , or hit, the surface of the moon, so Craters are often called impact Craters

9. Surging crowds impacted the theatre.

10. An impacting step impacts a non-rotating bone removal tool aligned along the iliac canal such that the non-rotating bone removal tool removes bone within the iliac canal and forms a bone void.

11. The canine is impacting on the incisor.

12. Adsorb-it inhibits oils and oil-borne contaminants in water from impacting the land, and contaminants on land from impacting the water.

13. It just impacted on the surface.

14. *The coronavirus pandemic is impacting airlines and Airports.

15. The Mars-sized planetoid is impacting the Earth.

16. Cross-team collaboration impacted by silos

17. The embargo impacted on export revenues.

18. What Are Coupled Human-Environment Systems? As the concept of the human-environment landscape clearly shows, humans impact the environment, and the environment impacts humans

19. Impacted Cuspid (Canine) Teeth, Pasadena, CA

20. Chelyabinsk Meteorite (impact-brecciated LL5 ordinary Chondrite) (4.452-4.538 Ga; impacted 15 February 2013 in the Chelyabinsk area, southern Russia) 1 (15056095260).jpg 1,388 × 1,348; 691 KB

21. Are some communities or population groups particularly impacted or at risk of being impacted by ASGM related activities ?

22. Freeman Hrabowski, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, stressed that Broader impacts often have limited impact because the activity has been an add-on

23. Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes Test Impact Analysis which provides hints on which test cases are impacted by modifications to the source code, without actually running the test cases.

24. He believes that Broader impacts .

25. IMPACT on PERFORMANCE Continued shortages in field offices, international and operational law impacted performance by delaying or deferring provision of legal advice and services in military law to some clients.

26. • Socio-economic impacts must be investigated as part of any environmental impact assessment, and the importance of socio-economic changes that accompany mineral development should be recognized.

27. In Bangladesh the crime rate impacting foreigners is generally low.

28. From the 1900s, human activities started impacting the nitrogen cycle.

29. Impacted anterior teeth due to a small mandible.

30. A Buildup of earwax is called impacted earwax

31. Broadly defined, the Broader impacts of your research are the societal impacts, or benefits to society

32. The Asteroid had a mere 0.41% chance of impacting Earth's atmosphere

33. The soldier impacted his sword into the ground.

34. Impacts on wages and jobs? Impacts on traffic accident insurance and compensations? Applicability of law regime?

35. The disk queue is typically the most impacted resource.

36. Marine transport can also be impacted by volcanic ash.

37. The orbital pod impacted and metal wrenched and sparked.

38. Impact Crater, a depression caused by two celestial bodies impacting each other, such as a meteorite hitting a planet; Explosion Crater, a hole formed in the ground produced by an explosion near or below the surface

39. How Russian Revolution started and impacted to Romanov dynasty?

40. Her father's death impacted greatly on her childhood years.

41. These impacts are coming everyone's way.

42. Lessening Impacts When Campfires Are Used.

43. This change impacts all Annuity products …

44. Falling export rates have impacted the country's economy quite considerably.

45. And China trade war really impacting markets? Conning's global CIO breaks down what

46. The first of these impacted near Swanscombe, causing no casualties.

47. Anf system updates and upgrades are applied without impacting the customer environment

48. Arteriosclerosis is similar to atherosclerosis except small vessels are impacted

49. Teotihuacan's economic pull impacted areas in northern Mexico as well.

50. Ahimsa greatly impacted the ancient Hindu texts that discussed violence

51. Qualitative and quantitative studies help to identify and eliminate potential adverse impacts in advance and to enhance positive impacts.

52. The algorithm can provide high precision timer ( microsecond level ) without impacting system's throughout.

53. The Algorithmic Justice League’s mission is to raise awareness about the impacts of AI, equip advocates with empirical research, build the voice and choice of the most impacted communities, and galvanize researchers, policy makers, and industry practitioners to mitigate AI harms and biases.

54. 1.5 crore people, across 5,000 villages, impacted by Breakthrough programmes

55. The main factor lead to impacted teeth was insufficient interdentium.

56. However, the impacts of Lactobacillus-Acetobacter int …

57. Discover stories About our culture, philosophy, and how Google technology is impacting others.

58. Small Actions, Huge Impacts – Thuan Thanh Bui

59. Biodegradation impacts essentially all oil-quality properties

60. California sets aside 40% of vaccine doses for most impacted communities

61. Addressable spend is spend that can be impacted through sourcing activities

62. At approximately 4:42 am Pacific Standard Time the meteors impacted....

63. No line Bifocals or progressive lenses eliminate the bifocal line without impacting your vision

64. Moreover, testing of alternative seabed-impacting fishing gear is allowed under a permit system.

65. Question: There was a sense of the weather impacting the rescue operations. ...(Inaudible)...

66. Objectives In order to treat maxillary impacted canines with surgery - orthodontics.


68. What was the impact of wearing Corsets on health? Though the Corsets were worn to shape the waist or upright the bust line, the medical impacts of such a regular exercise proved disastrous

69. How The Trinity Impacts Apologetics by Jason Gallagher

70. This impacts on accessibility to universities as well

71. Crew Network is impacting the industry through invaluable initiatives and opportunities for its members worldwide

72. Crookes Magazine shares the stories of game-changers impacting culture with their ambition and vision

73. In addition, FDX1 deletion greatly impacted stress response and cortisol synthesis.

74. The company's performance was impacted by the high value of the pound.

75. Some countries have reported negative impacts of Bluegill …

76. Guidance on How Broader Impacts Can Be Accomplished:

77. Biodegrade and if they will produce unwanted impacts

78. Micro Impacts of Macroeconomic and Adjustment Policies [MIMAP]).

79. Concern "or cteaic a Banterto the mig/anon or nioxcnwm offish ot wildlife Fot gioumlwatei assess whether theproposedproject including impacts on adjacent suifaceflow s uould impact anv thieafenedor endanf^eiedspecici oi speciesofspecial concern

80. Bler funding will support job retention and creation in bushfire impacted regions